5th Grade 1:1 Tech for Ed Device

5th Grade 1:1 Tech for Ed Device
Students in 5th grade will receive a Lenovo 300e Chromebook with a charger and a protective cover. These devices were provided by the district through the Tech for Ed program. The vision of this program is to create an equitable and sustainable model for technology-enabled classrooms that prepares students to thrive in a connected, digital world in alignment with the Jeffco Generations strategic plan. For more information on the Tech For Ed program, please visit jeffcopublicschools.org/techfored.
The Tech for Ed device will remain with students until the end of the 2024-2025 school year as long as they are enrolled at a Jeffco public school. As stated in the Device Agreement, signed by parent/guardian upon registration in Jeffco Connect, it is the family and student’s responsibility to ensure that no loss or damage occurs to any of the items associated with the 1:1 program.

All Jeffco 5th grade students will pay a $50/year “Personalized Technology Use Fee,” which covers the device and protective case, digital learning tools, internet filtering, bandwidth, and additional support.

The rest of our students will pay a $25 “Technology Use Fee.” This fee covers digital learning tools, internet filtering, bandwidth, and additional support. Fees will be waived for free and reduced lunch students.

Fees for any replacement devices, chargers, charging cords and cases may be paid in the main office or through Jeffco Connect if using a credit card.
More Information Please visit the Tech for Ed website for accidental damage insurance, low cost wifi, and/or any other questions that you might have.For warranty information,
please see this ADP Warranty flyer with active links.